New York : May 5 - May 30, 1998
Richard Gray Gallery located at 1018 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor, New York presents Andy Warhol: After de Chirico, on exhibit from May 5th through May 30th, 1998. This exhibit will include paintings and drawings which Warhol based on the work of de Chirico.
The de Chirico retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1982, inspired the Warhol works which were all executed in 1982. "Warhol translated the de Chirico story into something appropriate to himself and to the reversals of taste of the last decade, which... began to value precisely those aspects of layered memory and replication so conspicuous in the artist's paraphrases and self-counterfeits of his own glorious, but remote, historical part." (R. Rosenblum, "Warhols as art history," Andy Warhol: A Retrospective, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1989, p. 33).
Warhol greatly admired de Chirico, both for his imagery and because "de Chirico repeated the same images throughout his life. I believed he did it not only because people and dealers asked him to do it, but also because he liked it and viewed repetition as a way of expressing himself. This is probably what he have in common." (A. Bonito Oliva, "Industrial Metaphysics: Interview with Andy Warhol," Warhol verso de Chirico, Marisa del Re Gallery Inc., New York, 1985, p. 50).